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From the Mouth of Science: Dr. Haoyu Wang

Dr. Haoyu Wang

DAFT’s “From the Mouth of Science” series highlights specific employees and their careers. In this segment, we hear from Dr. Haoyu Wang, Senior Research Scientist in DAFT’s Modern Materials laboratory.

I’m a scientist, engineer, and innovator with a passion for researching and developing new materials. With my PhDs in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering from Berkeley, I have developed seventeen unique forms of next-generation polymers that are being patented. My daily work involves working with cool stuff – anything from nanomaterials to advanced methods of polymerization.

Currently, I am employed as a Senior Research Scientist for Modern Materials research, where I help design new products and solutions at the cutting edge of innovation. My knowledge of chemistry allows me to look at problems from different angles and find creative solutions that have never been thought before.

My experience in both laboratories and industry has given me an invaluable insight into how things are done outside academia, allowing me to bridge the gap between science and business.